Hello! Yay for my first news post on Newgrounds! woot.
First, thank you for the AMAZING response to Link's Prize. It was a real shock. Thank you to everybody who watched it, voted and commented. I really really appreciate it.
Over on my blog, I started a tutorial series about how I made the animation. Here are the topics and links so far:
Part 1: Idea and Storyboards
Part 2: Making an Animatic
Part 3: Drawing the Backgrounds
Part 4: Animation Preplanning and Animating
Part 5: Painting the Backgrounds
Part 6: Coloring the Animations
I'll update this post as I finish each part of the tutorial. If you like it, love it, or hate it and think it's useless, I'll appreciate any comments I can get. I really have no idea what I'm doing ...
Thanks again!